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RTC Foods is proud to partner with the Havafeed Organisation. We donate food weekly to help feed those in need. The product comes both from our warehouses as well as donations from our staff who have all really got behind the cause.
Working to reduce food waste:
We believe it is important to try and reduce food waste as much as we can. In line with this commitment we now partner with both OzHarvest Australia and KiwiHarvest New Zealand.
Developing new protein products:
We are constantly working on developing and manufacturing new products to meet our customers demands. It is very satisfying to work on a product from the beginning point of samples and trials, through to the end when we have a finalised product selling to customers. But this can also mean we have end of line or excess product that needs a home. We do not want perfectly edible product to go to landfill when the demand for food relief in our country continues to rise.
Food Donations:
That is why we are proud to be working with OzHarvest Australia, as well as their friends over the ditch KiwiHarvest New Zealand.
“Meat is something we don’t get a lot of so it’s great to have RTC Foods Innovation on board as a food donor”
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