P Ico Leaf

Todd Robertson


From New Zealand originally, but has settled happily in Australia and has even become an Australian citizen. Todd enjoys staying fit and healthy so he can keep up with his son. Although he travels for work regularly, Todd still enjoys going overseas with the family. His son is a brilliant traveller and loves visiting new places.

Todd is passionate about his work and puts everything he has into the company. His philosophy is that everyone has a say, they can come with any new ideas or anything they want to discuss. Todd is also a qualified butcher, working in both New Zealand and Australia many years ago, before University and RTC Foods.
He knows that he should probably serve pork ribs or steak if he invites you for dinner, but his speciality is a prawn salad.

Rt Leaf

We develop new concepts in food.

Innovating and creating exclusive brands and private label foods for use across food service operators, supermarkets and retail specialists throughout Australia.

Please don’t hesitate to
get in touch with us.

Paul SmithBusiness Development Manager
Jackson MauBusiness Development Manager

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