Rtc Foods


What are pork wings you might ask? And where can I buy pork wings?


Pork wings, pig wings, pork mini shank…this exciting cut of pork is known by a few names but they all mean the same thing – delicious! The pork wing is basically a trimmed pork shank, a single bone surrounded by lean tender pork meat. Pork without the need for a fork, these succulent pieces of meat can be held by the bone to eat. They are like a perfect cross between tender juicy pork ribs and chicken wings. Pork wings are the next big thing!


If you are a restaurant, pub, cafe, or any other foodservice establishment that has been searching for a supplier of pork wings here in Australia, look no further. Our amazing precooked pork wings are available now.

Our range of precooked pork products include pork belly, pork loin ribs, St Louis ribs in bbq sauce, pork cheeks, and pork riblets, but it is our pork wings in delicious bbq sauce that have been an absolute hit with our customers.

As a bar snack, centre of plate, or part of a share plate. Any which way you choose to serve them, pork wings are an exciting addition to any menu. And as our wings are already cooked in a mouth-watering bbq sauce, all the work has been done for you. You simply need to heat and serve.


Rtc Foods






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Paul SmithBusiness Development Manager
Jackson MauBusiness Development Manager

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